Carolee Camacho is the lead auctioneer at USAuctions. She’s had over 15 years in the auction industry. She’s covered all facets of the job such as inventory control, packaging, shipping to clerking, cataloging, and staging, to auctioning products to becoming a fully licensed, bonded and insured auctioneer in the state of California.
Carolee also is a proud member of the National Auctioneers Association (NAA) and continues her auction education with them. This year for 2017/2018 she had attended the Certified Estate Specialist Course (CES), and has completed the Graduate Personal Property Appraisal (GPPA) course with the 15 hours mandated for the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) compliancy portion of the appraisal program.

My personal goal is to always work hard for my clients and provide the best customer service available. I know each circumstance is different and I have learned that understanding and being flexible within each situation is what is most important.

“As an auction professional, I want your experience to be a positive one, regardless of your role as either seller or buyer. I will offer a straight forward auction process from start to finish with clarity. My team and I are committed to produce the best results for our sellers while ensuring our buyers are content and satisfied with their experiences. We follow all the guidelines of section 2328 of the commercial code, section 535 of the penal code and various provisions of the California civil codes.

This year is a big transitional year for us as we are soon opening up our online services and appraisal services with USAuctions, thus being able to offer a wider audience for certain items of sale and to offer appraisals that are USPAP compliant for businesses/machinery/single assets/and personal property.

Give me a call directly and we can discuss your situation and see what the best way to conduct your sale is. 408-497-0339, ask for Carolee”.

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  1. Proxibid Online – SERRANO ESTATE AUCTION

    February 11 @ 8:00 am - February 20 @ 4:00 pm